Well, it looks as if I won the lottery twice!
I have been selected to attend the NASA Juno Launch Tweetup happening at Kennedy Space Center, tentatively scheduled for August 4 and 5, 2011, with the Juno launch scheduled for 11:39AM ET on August 5.
Thank you NASA and NASA Tweetup for this honor!
Here are some of the Juno Mission Objectives:
For the full mission details and more information check out the following links:
According to my handy dandy Mission Clock (which you should grab if you have an iOS device), the window duration is 10 minutes which means we won’t have to wait around for countless clock recycles 🙂
I’m SO excited to hangout with @apacheman, @flyingjenny, @CraftLass, @katrobison, and a slew of new SpaceTweeps and enjoy the launch together.
See you all in a few weeks,